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Give West Texans a Real Voice

As Your Congressman, I Will …

Give West Texas Residents a (Real) Voice

Our part of West Texas, like the rest of the region, is rugged, hardworking and incredibly spread out; major population centers are few and far between. That’s part of the beauty of our area, but it also makes it easy for politicians to turn a blind eye to the concerns of a lot of our people.

I’ll be doing things a lot differently. As your Congressman, I will set up a West Texas Advisory Council with one representative from each of the 33 counties. These individuals will ensure that we are focusing on the right issues in each county, plus make county residents have an easy, accessible and friendly platform to discuss matters that are important to them, raise concerns and offer suggestions. We’ll also make good use of digital tools, supplemented by town halls and other events.

I’m a face-to-face kind of guy, so I’ll also hit the road in my pickup throughout the year and visit all 33 counties, every year that I’m in office. We’ll work with county reps to set up meetings and events to ensure the community is engaged. We envision hosting concerts, fellowship gatherings, youth-focused events and other sorts of events to bring our community together, foster connections and improve our district.

Let’s forge a path forward where every resident of West Texas has the opportunity to be heard.